Open sesame! Inside this week's money magic.... Find unclaimed benefits, look out for shrinking sausages and tips to have more holiday spending money!
Think you're missing thousands? We put 4 free calculators to the test to help you find unclaimed UK benefits, grants & support payments!
Holidays: money-saving tips for booking your dream break - The Guardian
Holiday blues? The Guardian's Money team offer top tips to help secure your next holiday and save money.
'Shrinkflation' and 'skimpflation' bite shoppers as cost of living crisis continues - Sky News
Teabags, sausages & MORE shrinking! Sky News exposes supermarket 'shrinkflation' & skimpflation tricks!
Families are running out of time to claim thousands in government payouts - The Telegraph (paywall)
Ruby Hinchliffe shares how there's just 3-weeks left for grieving partners to claim £1000s in backdated payments. A sensitive subject but advice not to miss if a partner passed away between 9 April 2001 and 8 February 2023.
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